2024/04/10 (WED)

Replacement of our institutional repository platforms from DSpace to JAIRO Cloud on April 10, 2024

Starting from April 10, 2024, the contents of our DSpace will be available on JAIRO Cloud, hosted by the National Institute of Informatics.

Important changes

Before the replacement: http://dspace.rcccs.rikkyo.ac.jp/  
After the replacement: https://rcccs.repo.nii.ac.jp/

【Identifier assigned to items】
On DSpace: CNRI Handle (https://handle.net/)
On JAIRO Cloud: JaLC DOI (https://japanlinkcenter.org/top/)

As the identifiers assigned to the items (contents) have been changed by the replacement, the URIs cited on papers published before will not be linked.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

For your reference, please download from below a PDF file comparing CNRI handle and JaLC DOI.


Research Center for Cooperative Civil Societies, Rikkyo University


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